Care Leavers
We're here to help!
What we do
The Haven Advice Hub is a relaxed, drop-in space for young people making the transition from living in a care situation to living independently. This is a time of great adjustment, and it can help to meet others with similar experiences and to share issues you may be facing.
We also provide practical assistance and information on topics such as job searches & skills, education & training opportunities, and other areas of personal development and wellbeing. This could include signposting towards specialist resources and support services for health, finances, etc.
The format of our monthly get-togethers is informal and flexible: there may be facilitated group discussions, which are just relaxed chats; or you can have a one-to-one session to discuss your individual situation.
(Note: these are not counselling or therapy sessions.)
You don't need to book in advance, and our service is completely free.